Ducking the Mamarazzi
Ducking the Mamarazzi

Whenever an old high school chum sends me a friend request, I run to her Facebook page to see what she looks like now, and (fine, I can admit this), how I look in comparison. Has she also traded in her Sun-In for Gray Away? Would I still recognize her without her...

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Find It In You
Find It In You

I have this quote hanging in my bedroom, beneath a ledge I call my dream shelf: “Don’t wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get, you’ve got to make yourself.” I can’t remember where I first saw it. Could have been a fortune cookie. Or a...

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Passing the Baton
Passing the Baton

I’ve been running for a longer time than I have the brain cells to remember, but I must have started around my oldest son’s age. Which would have made me a middle schooler. What I do remember in mental high-def was getting up super early before school—while it was...

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Flaunt What You’ve Got
Flaunt What You’ve Got

I’m not sure I’m allowed to tell you this, but my husband is getting a colonoscopy today, and in preparation, he had to fast for 24 hours and drink this colon cleanser called MoviPrep that was basically an exorcism of his innards. I’m talking emergency evacuation in a...

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Bloody But Unbowed
Bloody But Unbowed

I did something kind of crazy today. Bordering on suicidal. I went and played soccer for my women's pick-up league, in spite of the baseball sized hematoma covering my right shin and foot. For those of you not familiar with the sport, soccer is a game that requires...

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My New Hero: Alysia Montaño
My New Hero: Alysia Montaño

Weekly 'What Th–" Now that my kids are off school for the summer, I've been burning the candle at seven ends trying to finish my second book and do freelance work in between swim dates and the incessant demands of home life, while attempting (laugh) to find time to...

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Put Up Your Daisy Dukes
Put Up Your Daisy Dukes

These jorts have about as much fabric as a handkerchief.One of the big stories going around the net right now involves an 11th grade girl from Canada who was sent home for wearing short shorts and went on to protest the school's dress code, causing one heck of a stir....

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Not Your Daughter’s Barbie
Not Your Daughter’s Barbie

Lately, the folks behind Barbie have been going hog wild trying to find ways to keep the disproportionate plastic icon modern and relevant. Exhibit A: the new Sports Illustrated Swimsuit doll. She made her debut posing in the mag's 2014 Swimsuit Issue and quickly flew...

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Sex Checks for Soccer Chicks
Sex Checks for Soccer Chicks

Did you hear the one about the Iranian women's national soccer team? Turns out, four of its top players were really men, so now everyone in their pro league has to undergo a mandatory sex check to confirm they are in fact female. The punchline? Well, the punchline is,...

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Plastic Surgery App for Girls
Plastic Surgery App for Girls

"Hey girls! How would you like to play DIY Doctor and perform liposuction right from the comfort of your own living room?" Does anyone need further proof that the apocalypse is upon us? Plastic Surgery for Barbie is one version of a REAL App for girls 9 and up...

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