
Michelle met co-author Anna Mitchael over a decade ago when the two were clawing their way through the cutthroat creative department of one of advertising’s most notorious boys clubs. Reuniting over shots of Patron at a colleague’s wedding, they realized their insane experiences working with clients-from-hell and coworkers-from-outer-space would make one-heck-of-a-funny-novel.

Copygirl, available from Penguin Random House, is Michelle & Anna’s first book of contemporary fiction (order it here) and they’ve just put the finishing touches on a second. Copygirl is represented by Susan Golomb of Writers House.


‘Just Do It.’ ‘Think Different.’ “Mentos: The Freshmaker.’ Those are the kind of memorable advertising campaigns copywriter Kay Carlson always dreamed she would create. Instead she’s stuck penning ‘Bad Fur Day’ puns for the cat food account none of the cool kids will touch while she hopelessly pines away for her work partner.

Kay and her secret crush Ben are the newest hires at the hottest advertising agency in New York—a place so ridiculously hip the only way clients can find it is by scouring a chaotic Chinatown block for its hidden green door. Life inside is a backstabbing fishbowl of big talent and bigger egos where everyone in the creative department must compete for the approval of their hotshot boss. The boys club has an unfair advantage–their penises—but the agency’s ‘It’ girls are a whole other threat, click-clacking around the office in matching stiletto boots, trying to get their perfectly manicured claws on her Ben. When the agency’s biggest account threatens to jump ship, Kay must learn to fight for her ideas and follow her gut instead of the crowd.

Copygirl is a searing send-up of pop culture, modern advertising and the quirky, lovable wackjobs who create the ads that make the Super Bowl interesting. It’s also a tale about friendships that last a lifetime, relationships that last minutes and soul mates you meet at McDonalds.

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Michelle Sassa


Michelle Sassa